Thursday, March 12, 2009

TRIUMP of the CROSS 13/09/2008

Tonight is a joyful Night ! .... No Pain, No Gain..... No CROSS, No Crown

Tonight, the son of man who was lifted up to Heaven reminds all of us of the power & victory of the cross ------ his glorious victory over evil..... But, is it just his victory?

This Cross.... an instrument of humiliation, torture & death.... brings about the joy of our Salvation.

“Yes, God loved the world so much that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost but may have eternal life.”

The triump of the Cross is in essence our victory..... through the sacrifice of our Saviour & Creator.

“For God did not send his son into this world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him”

This Cross which is the cause of our joy is to give us the strength to defeat evil and to embrace the divine filiation which is the essence of the Good News. God gives this power to all humankind through Jesus Christ. So, we the disciples of Christ, the messengers of the Good News.... must be joyful !

Indeed, we must celebrate this joyful moment.

For this indestructible life, revealed in the Resurrection of Christ “swallows up,” so to speak, death.

“Where , Oh death, is your victory?” asks the St. Paul, with his eyes fixed on the RISEN Christ.
Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

This Cross.... our greatest inheritance from our Redeemer, our Lord Jesus Christ.... brings about the joy of our redemption.

This Cross.... indeed is our greatest joy, our greatest “Wealth”.

Let us all stand up & celebrate the joy of the triump of the Cross by welcoming the Gospel.

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