Thursday, March 12, 2009

Session 4: Becoming Men after God’s own Heart

Session 4: Becoming Men after God’s own Heart

Act13:20 & 1Samuel 13

Seeking after God’s will

How do we become men after God’s own Heart

a) Faith, Hope Charity – foundation
b) Rely upon God – not your own strength
c) Faithful to his teaching Luke 10:16 & Matt 28
d) Man of Prayers
e) Man of Good Example – acting in conformity of what we believe.
f) Man of Hard Work
g) Realistic & practical
h) Rely on Divine Providence to supply the need of our family
i) To be Servant Leader – Best Model is Jesus Christ – servant, leader & God
a. Not by commanding, but showing
b. Show by example, humility, obedience, submissive
c. Servant subordinate to higher authority
d. Servant serves others
e. Service based on Love
f. Servant hood based on Sacrifice..... CROSS
g. Death to Self
h. Love, Charity, Compassion, Integrity & Honesty

Leadership is mirror of servant-hood.

1) Leader is not necessarily smarter, better, holier than people he serves.
2) Leader is given responsibility to lead. Sacred Duty – Do the best thing for the people they serve.
3) Leader knows where they are going – Heaven, Church, Sacrament, Family
4) Leader knows how to get there – involves knowledge & methodology to get there
5) Leader helps others how to get there
6) Leaders have humility
7) Leader is not mandatecious (deceptive)
8) Leader has dedication – 24/7 “Conqueror”
9) Leaders motivate others to raise higher than their capabilities
10) Leader sacrifice – Martyrdom that only God know.
11) Leader knows that the mission is more important than the Leader
12) Leader leads by example – by serving the people that they lead.

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