Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Baptism of the LORD - Mark 1:7-11 10/01/2009

Baptism of the LORD - Mark 1:7-11 10 Jan 2009

Tonight, we recalled Mark’s account of Jesus Baptism at the Jordan River. We revisit a personal account of Jesus being anointed by His Heavenly Father.

No sooner had Jesus come up out of the water, Jesus saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit, like a dove, descending on him. It was a private affair, only Jesus saw it. It was a private revelation for Jesus. Only Jesus heard this voice;

OUR Heavenly Father spoke to him personally, “YOU ARE MY SON, THE BELOVED; MY FAVOUR RESTS ON YOU.”

In our own baptism, do we have this personal encounter with our Heavenly Father?
Where we can see “Heavens torn apart, Spirit descending on us. Encountering our Heavenly Father speaking to us directly”

“My beloved son & daughter, Go and Proclaim the good news of the Kingdom of Heaven”

Let us all stand & listen to Mark’s account of the Baptism of the LORD.

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