Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Parable of the Wedding Feast 11/10/2008

Tonight, the Gospel is taken from Matthew 22: 1-14

Tonight, we rejoice in the celebration of Our Lord’s Wedding Feast in the Kingdom of Heaven.

1. Who were invited to this wedding feast?
At first, it was only meant for the privileged few...the Israelites.... But they were not interested, more than that, they maltreated & even killed the servants who were sent by our Heavenly Father to invite them to the Wedding Feast. The privileged proved themselves unworthy!

2. Then, the Wedding Feast was opened to all, bad & good alike.
For this Grace & blessings, we were all invited...
We are all reminded that, as servants of God, we too, have the duty to go out and invite , everyone we can find to the wedding, bad & good alike......

3. We are also reminded tonight that we must put on our wedding garments to the banquet. All are welcomed, bad & good alike. The condition for entrance into the Wedding Feast is wearing of the wedding garment. The Wedding Garment is the call for our faith & conversion of our heart & mind..... the call for our believe & repentence.... “Believe & Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is close at hand”.

4. Brothers & Sisters, we are also reminded tonight that we need to prepare the best wedding garment... we need to keep it pure, white, clean and remember to iron it. We need to persevere, for we are warned that “many are called, but few are chosen.”

5. Are our Wedding Garments ready?
Let us all stand and face the Gospel.... and ask our Almighty Tailor to help us made the Weddings Garments that are pleasing to Our Heavenly Father.

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