Thursday, March 12, 2009

Session 6 : Why be Catholic? Why am I a Catholic?

Session 6 : Why be Catholic? Why am I a Catholic?

1P2:15 – ready to defend
1P2:16 – reason to do it with gentleness & respect.

1. Convince that Catholic Church is the church established by Jesus Christ.

a. Historical Argument – John Henry Newman
b. Visibilities – you can see it Matt Chapter 5
c. Matt 16:15 – on this rock, I will built my church
d. Matt 28:18 – all authority has been given to me... go therefore, make disciples of all nations
e. Luke 10:16 – Authority of Christ
f. Teaching Church – teach them all that I have commanded you.
g. Perpetual Church – existence until the end of time.
h. Before 1809 – no Mormon, 7th Adventist, Jehovah Witness
i. Before 1509 - No protestant, no church of England, Baptist, Uniting Church, Methodist
j. Church started by Human Beings, not by Jesus Christ

2. Everything that Catholic teaches is true, not everything is easy

3. Papacy – built upon the Rock

4. Communion with Mary & Saints

5. Holy Eucharist

6. Moral Teaching

7. The Devil knows that the Bread & Wine is Jesus Christ.

Mission: My Goal is Heaven, My cause is for the Christ.

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