Thursday, March 12, 2009

Jews 14/11/2007

What if I am a Jews?

I think I would be very proud of my ancestor Abraham, Moses & King David.

Fascinated by power of the Jewish community, people like Eistein, Karl Marx & Jesus and their profound influence & ideology all over the world.

I will be counted as one in the 13 million left in this world. Probably residing in Israel or the United States. I would continue to be faithful to the Old Testament. Very proud of being the chosen race. Definitely, very stubborn… Still awaiting for the coming of the Messiah.

Tonight, in the second reading, we are reminded of the unbelieving & rejection of the Gospel & New Testament by the Jewish people. For over 2000 years, Israel has stumbled over CHRIST. Indeed its stumbling has been a blessing to the GENTILES.

Paul hinted at the untold benefits for the world that would come with the full acceptance of JESUS as MESSIAH by the JEWS. If their action has so far resulted in such incredible benefits then what will their full acceptance mean?

The Jews rejection of the Gospel resulted in the reconciliation of the world.

St Paul explained how the lopped off branches will be able to find life again in the Parent stock of Abraham.

“The Jews are enemies of God only with regard to the goods news, and enemies only for your sake but as the chosen people, they are still loved by God, loved for the sake of their ancestors.”

As it is written in the scripture, “You will all lose faith” We have all been unfaithful to God, who make use of such infidelity to manifest to all of us his bounty & mercy, to reveal just what kind of God he really is.”

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