Thursday, March 12, 2009

Gospel - 2 Oct 2008

Tonight Gospel taken from Mat 11:2-6 occurred during a time when there were growing opposition to Jesus.

In PRISON, John the Baptist, heard the work of the Messiah & sent his disciples to ask Jesus “Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?”.... This line of questioning expressed the doubt of John. “He heard of the work of the Messiah... he questioned”. John the Baptist had a different expectation. John’s expectation from Jesus mission was one of fiery judgement.

Contrary to John’s expectation, Jesus did not come to judge.... but Jesus mission was the cross. The Messiah will die on the cross to bring salvation to all mankind....

What about us? What is your expectation from the GOSPEL?

Does the GOSPEL promise easy success? a comfortable life? lots of blessing?

The Gospel makes demands and, at the same time, it is a great promise – the promise of eternal life in Heaven.... the promise of victory through faith for man, who is subject to many trials & setbacks.

The Gospel contains a fundamental paradox; to find life, one must lose it; to be born, one must die; to save oneself, one must take out the cross. This is the essential truth of the Gospel.

But, in our PRISONs, in our moment of weaknesses & our human knowledge & understanding,
we too protest, question & doubt ... like Peter, John & James.... But... Jesus does not ask for our knowledge & understanding... He demands for our FAITH.

Let us all stand and open our hearts to receive the GOSPEL.

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