Saturday, March 21, 2009

God Loves Us 21 March 2009

GOD LOVES US John 3:14-21 21 March 2009

Our Almighty God, Our father in Heaven loves us, His creation. He has plans for us all. We just have to “depend on him”... His plans are good for us. We just need to put our complete trust in him.

But throughout history, human has time & time again refused His plans, we did not put our complete trust in him. We want our own plan, we want to depend on ourselves, we want to be in total control.... self sufficient so to speak.... as a result of this lack of trust, we sin........
God, nevertheless.... never give out on us.... each time God extended the scope of His covenant with us.

Starting from Eve & Adam, our fore parent broke the covenant with God.... God continued to extend his covenant, first a household covenant with Noah, then a tribal covenant with Abraham, then a covenant with Moses for the 12 tribes of Israel, then a national kingdom covenant with David and finally through his own beloved son, Jesus Christ, a new Covenant ... a worldwide covenant, a universal covenant, a Catholic Covenant. God loves us. It is demonstrated in all of the above salvation history for human..... God loves us, his creation so much that, he finally gave his only son to us... not to condemn us, but to redeem us. “We are God’s work of art, created in Chirst Jesus to live the good life as from the beginning he had meant us to live it.” He wants to call us back into His plan. He wants to restore us into his plan.

Through Jesus, the objective redemption was completed. He had already done all that was needed to redeem our sin. He died for us on the cross. We just need to believe and say “Yes” to him. Then we complete the subjective redemption on our part through his grace.

Let us pour ourselves to Jesus. Let us put our complete trust in Jesus. Let us lives by the truth, Let us comes out into the light, Let us walk the path of Christ Jesus. Let us all stand & listen to the Gospel.

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