Thursday, March 12, 2009

Session 2: Man’s influence, effect and power

Session 2: Man’s influence, effect and power

“If you want to be a good leader, you have to be a good man”....”Be a good man”

Ingredients to be a good man e.g. Saints

“Virtue” – Latin word for Man, True man – good man with virtue

a) Charity – love, will to the proper influence of God. I am choosing to do the right thing even it is difficult.
b) Faith – conviction that what God tells us is true, what Christ has done for us on the Cross is true.
c) Hope – it is what Judas didn’t have at the end, lapse in despair
d) Humility – meek & humble of heart.
e) Magnanimity – stretch forth the mind to great thing i.e. call to do out of glory of God.
f) Prudence – Knowledge of what to seek & what to avoid
g) Courage – fortitude i.e. willingness to suffer danger for the sack of doing good.
h) Self Control – Roman 13:14
i) Justice – Righteousness / Right standing /merciful, not tyrant, love those for the sack of God.

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