Wednesday, March 11, 2009

AUTHORITY - Mk1:21-28 31/01/2009

Tonight, in the Gospel according to Mark, we are told that

JESUS taught them with AUTHORITY.

Many times, in the Gospel according to Mark, Jesus often exhorts those with whom he comes into contact not to tell others about him. It gives a very deep impression that he wants to stay low profile, to keep that “Messianic secret”.

Ironically, the messianic secret seems to be known by everyone in the Gospel who should not know it, whereas those who should know who the Messiah is do not ever seem to recognise him.
In the Gospel tonight, unclean spirit shouted, “What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? ...... I know who you are: the Holy One of God”.....

The holy one of God.... a title which was used only in the first verse of the Gospel and by the voice from the heavens in a private moment following Jesus’ baptism and transfiguration.

This pattern will continue to be seen throughout the rest of the Gospel. The unclean spirits, the outcasts, those who should not know who Jesus is will constantly be proclaiming the truth while those who should be able to identify him, the disciples, never seem to get it.

Who is JESUS?.... This is the Question that Mark is challenging us to question ourselves.............. Do we truely know who Jesus is ?

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