SIBU: Thousands of Catholics faithful together with 20 priests and 10 Archbishops and bishops from Sabah, Sarawak, West Malaysia and Singapore throng the Sacred Heart Cathedral on 25th November, to celebrate the Triple Happiness Occasions - 40th Priestly Ordination of Bishop Su Haw Chiu, 70th Anniversary of Bishop Dominic Su and 25th Anniversary of the 25th Dedication of the Sacred Heart Cathedral.
Papal's delegate, Archbishop Salvatore Pennacchio concelebrated the Eucharistic celebration with 10 Archbishops and bishops from Sabah, Sarawak, West Malaysia and Singapore.
The 10 Archbishops and Bishops who came from far away to join in this thanksgiving Mass include;
Most Rev John Ha Tiong Hock, Archbishop
Most Rev. Tan Sri Murphy Nicholas Xavier Pakiam, Archbishop
Most Rev. Anthony Soter Fernandez, Archbishop Emeritus
Most Rev. Nicholas Chia, Archbishop
Bishop Emeritus James Chan
Bishop Selvanayagam
Rt Rev Datuk Cornelius Piong
Rt Rev Julius Dustin Gitom
Auxilliary Bishop Joseph Hii
2000 well-wishers celebrate Bishop Dominic Su 70th birthday & 40th Priestly Ordination
SIBU: Some 2000 well-wishers joined the 70th birthday dinner of the Bishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Sibu, the Right Reverend Dominic Su Haw Chiu at SMK Sacred Heart Centennial-Hall on Thursday 26 November night
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